The Mighty G Vegan Coaching course is the program for people who want to eat healthier, feel better and lose weight.
This course is designed to unlock the door to simple solutions for people who want to transform their diet and see massive change in their lives.
It consists of a one-month coaching program for aspiring vegetarians and vegans who are ready to experience the positive and vast physical improvements a small change in diet brings.
Have more energy?
Learn how to eat to live longer?
Eat healthier and feel better?
Not liking the way you look in clothes?
Starting a healthy eating plan only to backslide and give into eating bad again?
Feeling like there is no hope for you?
The trouble is you don’t have a vegan coach that can help guide you to where you want to go.
The only thing stopping you is a clear and methodical plan to make sure you are successful.
The reality is you can be successful with the proper assistance & a vegan road map.
I know right now you’re struggling with what to eat, will it be filling and what’s my next step?
No matter if...
You’ve tried a thousand diets and weren’t successful.
You’re secretly wondering if you have what it takes to eat healthier.
Or, you still haven’t mastered all the tips, tools and tricks associated with making simple and nutritious meals, I understand your fears and you’re in the right place!
So, why should you listen to me?
I sought medical help for my flaky, discolored skin condition. After more then a decade of going to different Dermatologists and receiving no relief, I accepted it was just something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life. But then something really bad happened:
I started to lose my hair…but only in certain sections of my head!!
Imagine a full head of hair…except there are literally 3 patches where hair is not growing! I looked like one of those guys from the “Jackass” TV show when they come up behind you unbeknownst with an electric clipper…and quickly shave your head…to the scalp!
Make no mistake; I was more concerned about my vanity (my hair, well lack of it) than I was about my diet at that point in my life.
After seeking counsel with a vegan Doctor who used natural and nutritious foods and supplements to address my hair issue I had a full head of hair within one month! One month!! My skin condition?
Gone, baby, gone!! Within one month! 30 days!
Energy levels? Out of the roof. And I had a mental clarity I had never had before. It was like a fog had been lifted off of me. I’m still not sure how to convey this experience in words but it was like I discovered a new way to see the world.
I experienced first hand what a simple and proper change in diet can do for you.
That was over 20 years ago and I look younger and feel better than I ever have.
I went from not being able to do a single push up to quitting smoking, becoming involved in the martial arts, gaining a first and second degree black belt, training with the worlds’ best self defense instructor and learning that system to become an international instructor myself, becoming a bounty hunter (briefly) and a nightclub security professional (a bouncer). I can perform push-ups with someone sitting on my back (not recommended), workout regularly and uncovered the joys of body weight exercises. All because of what I now use to fuel my body, which is plant-based.
Did I have self-doubt? Yep
Did I make mistakes? Yep
Can you learn from my experience? Absolutely!
The Mighty G Vegan Coaching course is the perfect program for people who want to eat healthier, feel better and lose weight.
Listen, to help get you feeling better and living longer faster I’ll send you
“The Benefits of Meatless Meals” A $14.97 value - FREE!
This program designed for:
People who may have tried diets and “failed.”
Individuals who want to eat healthier and live & longer more productive lives and willing to make small yet substantial changes.
Those individuals who are struggling with what is the best way to incorporate eating better into their hectic lives.
I boost your self-confidence and self-esteem because success requires a mind-shift. We’ll work together to re-write your nutritional story and equip you with incredible tools to empower you for long-lasting success on your own vegan odyssey. You will learn in a very short time a host of ideas, concepts and useful methods from my more than 20 years worth of vegan experience.
I’ll show you everything I know and I’m 100% transparent. You’ll have access to my top secrets, best templates, and amazing strategies that will help convert you into eating healthier. I truly believe that if I can do it, you can do it too!
During the program, I’m your biggest supporter and trusted confidante. I’ll be there to support you during your odyssey. I have tools and charts that will drastically reduce your learning curve while simultaneously guide you to taking the correct steps to ensure your success.
Think of me as more than a vegan coach. While you’re implementing this program I’ll act as your comrade because I’m still on my odyssey too. And as comrades, I keep you at the top of my mind and truly take a vested interest in your success.
Lose unwanted weight
Fit into that dress you want to wear again
Reclaim the joy of healthy eating
Reduce health related issues
Feel better than you have in years
Much more confidence in selecting healthy foods!
The ability to veganize your kitchen!
Learn how to substitute food you like with great tasting and nutritious alternatives!
How to eat vegan on-the-go!
Here’s what you’ll get:
The most incredible month long step-by-step plan to get you started and keep you on the right path. Each week (sometimes twice a week) I’ll send you an email with what we are going to work on PLUS links to private videos designed just for you. You’ll also receive handouts that you can print and take with you to the grocery store or post around the house to inspire you and keep you on track.
Since the coaching is online, you can participate no matter where you live!
During your month long Vegan Odyssey we’ll focus on one key strategy each week:
Week 1 – Introduction and Mindset – This may sound funny, but many of us don’t know what or how to eat to get us to our health goals. This lesson alone will be a game changer so you can take your health to the next level. You’ll also receive my Vegan Lifestyle Manual – a great addition to the program designed to help you become acquainted with the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.
Week 2 – Veganize your Kitchen – This is where we start to transform your kitchen so you can have items at the ready to prepare healthy & nutritious meals. You’ll also receive “Stocking Your Kitchen for a Vegan Lifestyle” – you can take this with you when go grocery shopping. I’ll also show you in my video what I currently have in my veganized kitchen.
Week 3 – Vegan Substitutes – Learn how to start substituting foods with healthy alternatives to beef, poultry and sugar. Want to bake a scrumptious vegan cake but don’t know what to substitute an egg for in a recipe? What’s the egg substitution ratio? 1:1, 2:1? Want to know healthy alternatives to animal milk? You’ll receive a chart that shows you exactly what you can substitute with tasty and healthy options.
Week 4 – Vegan on the Go and Conclusion – For a long time it was extremely difficult to eat healthy when you were on the go or traveling. Not anymore! You’ll receive 10 tips on how to eat vegan on the go…anywhere in the world! We’ll also wrap up the month and I’ll discuss with you how to stay on this wonderful journey you’ve begun.
Once you sign up, you’ll receive:
One email each week with that week’s lesson (4 weeks in total)…and accompanying videos.
How to adopt a “Growth” mindset vs. “Fixed” mindset.
Vegan Lifestyle Manual – Your guidebook to eating better.
Stocking Your Vegan Kitchen – A Grocery Shopping Guide to help you easily navigate healthy food choices.
Ingredient Substitution Chart – A simple but effective replacement chart.
How to eat healthy while on the go – 10 simple tips on how to stay active and eat great.
Peace of mind that you’re finally doing the RIGHT thing to get your LIFESTYLE in order.
Q: Who is this program for?
A: This program is for anyone who is interested in becoming healthier and living a more robust life but needs some gudiance and coaching to live the life they know they want. People who know they want to make a serious change but don’t understand the simple steps on how to accomplish it.
Q: I’ve got questions, how can I contact you?
A: Of course! Contact me directly at MightyGVeganOdyssey@gmail.com
Q: What happens at the end of the month?
A: You can’t get rid of me that easily! I intend to follow up with you in a few months! That’s right, I will check in on you at no cost just to make sure you are staying on the straight and narrow, to see if you have any challenges and just to check in on you.
Email: MightygVeganOdyssey@gmail.com
Check out my videos - The Mighty G - Vegan Odyssey
I’ve changed my life, are you ready to change yours?

You should listen to me because I was you! My name is Glenn Wilson and I’m a Vegan Coach and it is my passion to help individuals who are interested in making some minor dietary changes live longer, healthier and happier lives.
I was probably worse than you, actually. I was the overweight kid everyone made fun of because I had so much fat on my chest (little did I know I was from the hormones in the meat I was eating). I was the sick kid who ate so much meat it caused me to develop a skin condition all over my body for more than a decade. I was the guy so addicted to meat and cheese that I trudged through a record NYC snowstorm to go eat some cheeseburgers on a winter Christmas Eve (of course, the place was shut down for the holidays). I was the guy who smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day, who didn’t recognize my body or face in the mirror, who didn’t have enough strength to do a single push-up!

Vegan Program - $47
How do you start your own vegan odyssey? With holistic coaching designed to keep you motivated and on track!

Vegan Lifestyle Manual - $7
Interested in eating better but not ready for coaching? Use this manual to learn more about the vegan lifestyle!

FREE “Alternatives to Sugar” Chart!
Download the FREE Alternatives to Sugar Chart and start reducing your sugar intake today!